Narragansett Chapter Board Meeting

January 13, 2015

235 Promenade St. Providence, RI

Call to Order – 6:00

Attendance: Bob Tessitore, Mike Krabach, Chris Shafer, Gregg O’Brien, Linda Pease, Debra Huntington, Dav Cramer, Ed Poyer, Bill Rafferty

Business Meeting

Bob awarded Debbie Mitchell a plaque and a gift certificate for her past service and dedication to the chapter.

Minutes - The minutes for the December meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report – The report was discussed and approved.

Chapter Chair Report – Bob thanked everyone for attending the meeting.

New Business

2015 Operating Budget – Bill handed out the proposed 2015 budget. The board reviewed the budget and discussed questions. There were questions on the conservation budget. It was decided that the Winaukee event would be considered an event and removed from the conservation budget. Ed discussed the backpacking & northern hikes budget. He also discussed leadership development. Ed explained that the Wilderness First Aid course is a large expense because the club subsidizes leaders to attend the course. He also explained that there is money in his budget for scholarship for members to attend training. The board discussed the Leadership Appreciation event and that it will not be held in 2015. The board agreed this this events are important to the mission of the chapter.

There was a discussion on the annual meeting and some adjustments were made. A dollar amount will be moved from the food/beverage category to a speaker fee.

Bill will send out a revised budget and the board will vote on it next month.

Bob will ask Joy St. for $5,000 from their funds to support leadership training. If Joy St. does not approve the funds then he ]will move $5,000 from our investment account to the checking account. Dav seconded the motion and it was voted on unanimously.

There was a discussion on membership and whether Meetup trips are affecting chapter membership. This discussion is important and it will be included in next month’s agenda.

Operating Reserve Policy – This was tabled until next month.

New Business

Leadership Training Workshop – It was questioned whether this workshop should be held in 2015. Bob commented that there is no apparent demand for it but it was well attended the last time it was held. Ed proposed that the workshop be held in 2016. He also said that we should be talking to the local hike leaders to increase interest in the leadership training.

Spring Fling – There was a discussion as to whether to hold the event. The event was poorly attended last year and did not pay for itself. There was a proposal to have the spring fling become a new membership event in June. It could be a potluck and would include a variety of activities.

Chapter Fall Festival – Although the original intention was to hold this event every other year, Bob proposed that we hold it this year. His reasoning is that it receives positives reviews and if it is held in 2016 it would conflict with the fall gathering that the chapter is hosting. The board agreed that this event should be held in 2015. Ed asked about using a hut for the event and it was decided that for a number of participants it might be too physically challenging to get to a hut. It was decided that this would be a good event for the future potentially 2017.

2016 Fall Gathering – Bob reported that Joy St. does not want the board to chair the event. They would like it to be run by members/leaders but not board members. The board needs to recruit people to run the event.

Volunteer Leadership Award – Marcie Madsen has been awarded the volunteer award given by Joy St. The board will encourage her to attend the annual event. Otherwise, the award can be mailed to her.

Old Business

Vice Chairperson – The position is still open. Everyone is encouraged to let Bob know of anyone who may be interested.

Committee Reports tabled until February meeting

Motion to adjourn: 8:10